NEWS: Ministry of Art - Navigating the Art Maze. By Baserbillion RSS

I’d always had visions of living the life of an artist. You know the cliché. Days filled with reading, research, drinking coffee and producing Art... Boy was in for a surprise. Whilst I have always felt I had talent for Art and creating imagery, I was literally nowhere Spring 2016. No sketches, no Art, next to zero Art-World know-how and definitely no friends as described in the previous blog… Step 1?... make some friends and quick. I had been active on some prominent art Facebook groups, which was invaluable to me as it gave me exposure to lots of people...

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I've drawn and made marks for as long as i can remember.. As a small child i would see faces in the pattern of curtains and chipboard wallpaper (we all had that wallpaper, so don't try it!), which i believe was the beginning of my fascination with visual art. Growing up in the eighties, visual art was not seen as a viable career, everyone from teachers to family told me to give it up and do something sensible, where you can earn steady money.. so i did, and became an accountant, Lol! I know I could not have chosen a...

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